un(burden): to free or relieve

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and over-burdened, and I will give you rest! Put on my yoke and learn from me. For I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  (Matthew 11: 28-30)
It’s easy to get over-burdened with life. Jesus invites us to come to him for rest.
My friend, Jeanie Kelley, is posting encouraging Scripture with lovely photos on her blog. It occurred to me that her Scripture for this week could be seen as Paul applying Jesus’ promise to give us rest. Go over and read Jeanie’s verse and let me know if you see the connection. 🙂 Come back to the comments and let me know what you noticed!

2 responses to “un(burden): to free or relieve”

  1. I love your picture – I too have found rest in Jesus this week. I wrote about Too Much Too Much on another blog. Had to recentre on Who is important in my life. Breathe. I can see the connection between the two blogs for sure. Be anxious for nothing. My first Scripture that I memorized.
    Thanks for linking to Sunday Stillness,

    • Janis- Thanks for hosting Sunday Stillness and the encouragement to post Scripture! I took the picture this past fall at our botanical gardens…it was a sweet restful day with God…now that spring is on its way…I need to make a “date” with God and rest in his presence while I walk and talk with Him in the garden 🙂

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